Monday, May 01, 2006

My way to Padang

I came back to Padang in the week end. The first place I went to is ....Gramedia. I was hunger for some mangas (japanese comics). I went from bukittinggi at 4.30 PM and arrived in Padang at 6.00 PM.and at 7 PM, when I was still in my car, driving, my mother called me and very worried... where are you? I am on my way back home. I was going to Gramedia..
(An otaku home is the bookshop..hehe...)
I visited the emergency building and met my colleagues..SO MANY CHANGES!
First, our band equipments was moved away to the new building (That I've never seen before, since I left Padang for Bukittinggi). THe duty day now is every 3 days..(wow, how tired)..I also visited my senior's home for borrowing books, YZ, MD...hmm,YZ,MD the surgeon. He gave me an advice, that I have to study better and better. I have to keep my health well, because my duty day in Bukittinggi is every day for 24 hours. Have a good nice. Anyway, Thank you for the support and advice. Also For Aji, his wife that also my good friend since I was in Senior High School.(Aji and I were always in the same class from the first grade of senior high school until Medical school)
In Bukittinggi I met..again! one of the people who passed the test for government employee. I was downloaded System Of A Down's song from his mobile phone (And this song is my ringtone now). I wanted to download Helloween's Power too, but the memory stick is full enough.
So, during my staying in Bukittinggi, I have met 4 from 9 person who passed the test. the new news is We will get our registration number in this May 15th.
I was also buying new cassettes that became my companions in my way back to Bukittinggi, Superman Is Dead's Black Market Love and Alanis Morrisette's Collection. The Black Market Love is a cool song..
Also, there's a new Orthopaedics's resident from Padjadjaran University, MJ, MD.
We have went around at the night, showed him Bukittinggi scene and we have lunch in Uni Lis' Nasi Kapau which is very famous that SBY and The Prime Minister of Malaysia have had eaten there too.
What a busy day!
Hmm, I think I have to come back to hospital. May the Obstetric and Gynegology's resident have answered my consultation. (C'mon guys, don't let me do the operation at the night. I have to have good sleep..hehe..)
Jaa, mata aeru!

* I have gotten a call from the nurse that my consultation was answered. The conclusion is..Let's do an appendectomy tonight baby!
* This Sunset photo was taken at Padang Beach. The best time is about 6.30-7.00 PM.

1 comment:

Genie Surgeon said...

Kenape lo, takut digiring ke KUA buat papa lagi yos, ama oma ini..sudah teruji kebijaksanaannya..ampe nyusul ke aceh coy...