Thursday, May 25, 2006

Two Weeks More

I've just realized two things that is important. I never go back to padang for almost 4 weeks and my duty here will be finished 2 weeks again. I begin to like Bukittinggi though I miss the life in Padang. 3 days ago my friend alwin was visited his wife (The Resident of Dermatology Departement) who is having duty for 3 months in Bukittinggi. There are so many things happened, bad, good, sad, happy things. But I hope with this duty in Bukittinggi I can gain many experiences that useful for my education...Ganbarre!

PS : Mungkin gara-gara whinning di blog kebanyakkan pasien (I love monday & the patient inviter), 2 minggu ini justru pasien jarang..hehe. Jadinya bosen n' bawaannya pengen jalan terus (Ga tau juga mo ngobrol apa lagi di blog..) Paling asyik jalan kaki malem bareng temen2. Banyak lampu kota dan ga panas. Untung temen2 gue (david, dokter jaga triage n' bang jadid, residen ortopedi) juga suka dibawa jalan malem. Padahal ujung2nya cuma ngobrol di warung2 tenda..(gara2 kemaleman ga ada yg buka lagi..).

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Night Walking

This week there are new Co-assistants or the students who have their senior clerkship in Surgery department. My consultants said that my task is giving them a tutorial. So during this week (They came at Wednesday completely), every night I try to teach them about the basic surgery, especially about the trauma's science itself. Basically I teach them the ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support), what should they do if they get a trauma patient. Also how to treat the patient, in emergency room or in the ward...
Last night, after having a night walking with MJ, MD and DV, MD, I was slept at 3 AM and wake up at 6 AM this morning. Then at the afternoon I have an operation until 6 PM. I checked my patient in the ward at 7.00 PM and gave them a teaching about surgery again at 8.00 PM until 10.00 PM. And my eyes still feel hard... to close! One of my bad habit is sometimes I feel imsonia. So I took them to walk along the Chinese town, The Big Clock (or Jam Gadang), drink "Skoteng" together and play internet..And..until this 12.15 AM I still feel unsleepy (though actually I never had any rest for today from 6 PM). I think the main cause of this problem is I haven't any patient for today in Emergency Room (that usually I always busy with the patients)
Hmm, I think I have to come back to the hospital. I am maybe "strong", but those co-assistants need sleep..hehe..

* Photo above is Jam Gadang (Big Clock) at the night
* This is the situation of the emergency room when it was empty..

Long Week End 2nd Part

Last week, there was no operation at Saturday, though I waited for it for the whole day. The day after it, I talk to the nurses, that I can't go to Padang since my Consultant asks me to stay here for the week end, but I really want to go for a while. I feel crazy just stay in the hospital for 24 hours in a day. Then the nurses said to me, why don't you go a while. If there's a patient, we will call you. Of course this is not the first time I went outside the hospital. Sometimes I left it for the internet cafe, market..but this time I want to go a little bit far, outside bukittinggi !(For the sake of keeping my promise to rizki my friend, asking his senior go around) So it's kind of gambling. If there's a call I have to go back wherever my position is. I asked MJ, MD if he can go or not ("Have you gone to Pagaruyung palace? Wanna go?"). Then he said, I have no operation. So I made a plan that my times is just 5 hours to go to Batusangkar and to get back to Bukittinggi. This target came from my senior SY, MD's experience that he was taken the resident Orthopaedics of Padjadjaran University to Batusangkar previously and spent times for 5 hours.
This was a gambling and we want to try it.
Firstly I drove slowly, because I almost forgot the way to go it. I was affraid of taking the wrong way. So our journey to Batusangkar took times for 1,5 hours driving. Then we arrived at the Pagaruyung palace and took some photos there. Then we went to "Batu angkek-angkek" (The Lifting Stone) that famous for this believe, If you can lift the heavy stone smoothly, your wish will come true..And MJ, MD was tried it!Hehe..
Then on our way of coming back home, MJ, MD got a phone call of the hospital. There were two patients of Closed fractures. MJ, MD gave the instructions through phone of kind of examination, initial treatment and of course promised to get back earlier.
I spent 30 minutes driving from Batusangkar to Padang Panjang, where we ate at the famous satay in it (Mak Syukur Satay, where SBY had also eaten there). Spent 15 minutes there and then drove to Bukittinggi and spent times for 15 minutes. So I spent totally 45 minutes of driving from Batusangkar to Bukittinggi.
Thank God, when we arrived, they have just finished the whole examinations like X-Rays and Blood examinations.
So the conclusion was..we won this gambling.
And those are some photos from Batusangkar.

Photos are :

1. Rangkiang (The house of keeping rice from the front side)

2. The Pagaruyung Palace from the Right Side

3. The situation inside the palace at 1st floor

4. The Lifting Stone

5. The Garden of Pagaruyung palace from the 2nd floor

6. The front side of Pagaruyung Palace with MJ ,MD stood in fron of it

Friday, May 19, 2006

When We Were Crazy

I was having two operations. Then When I was cameback from the operation theater at 11 PM, I met my friends MJ, MD and DV, MD (triage doctor in the emergency room). We talked much and laughed together. After an hour, MJ, MD talked about going outside the hospital. Then three of us were going outside. I talked about how about visiting the internet cafe because I haven't visited it for five days. Then after ate at one of the warung tenda along the chinese town (that near our hospital, that also famous for its cafes and the night life), the internet cafe was still open! (actually almost close). DV, MD talked to the person who owns the cafe that we want to play in it. The computers then were activated again..
And here I am !
Typing this one..

PS : There are so many topics I want to talk. But I promise to my friend that I come here just for checking the email..
* DV, MD is at the left side of the photo and MJ, MD is playing the computer

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Long Week End

Again, I spend my week end in Bukittinggi.
This time I get a special request from one of my consultant to stay in Bukittinggi because He has to go to Pekanbaru. Friday and Saturday, also for this Sunday is his consultation day.
This led my father and my mother to visit me in Bukittinggi today.
Actually yesterday I was having a plan with my orthopaedics' colleague, MJ, MD to visit The Pagaruyung Palace in Batusangkar, but there is also another reason that makes me staying in hospital. There is a patient that has to be observed before an operation. So I have to be ready for an operation for along the day.
Yesterday I was talking many things with MJ, MD (who also has the same hobby with me, visiting the internet cafe. Maybe he has a chatting with his wife that lives in Solo right now). We were talking about our surgery's life. The life of The resident in Bandung, in Padang, the cases we have gotten during the education also about the daily life of the resident of surgery. We came to the same conclusion that our life is different than others. Less sleeping, working and spending time for the patients, or in short, we have no special or regular time like other workers. We work for 24 hours... I think our life is a miracle, he said. I talked to my friends from different field of job and they said, how could you live like in that way? But, this is our life, no matter how hard it is, the important thing is you are enjoying it.
When I was in my senior clerkship, I asked the Resident of Surgery, ID, MD (Now he is our Chief of The Chief) about the Surgery. He said, you have to be ready to leave your family. When I wanted to undertake this education, I said to my wife, from this time you have to struggle alone, because I'll be busy with the education. And I also talked to big family that I'll be busy that maybe makes me rarely contacts with the big family. Then, he continued, one day my son was getting sick, I was really busy, then I talked to my wife, took him to the doctor..
I saw and live with the surgery's life right now. I know that my senior words' years ago is not as true as he talked. His relationship with his wife, his sons are still close enough.
Again, this is our life.
The bitter thing about surgery is : " Surgery is number one and the family is the second"
Many doctors will think twice before seriously choosing Surgery.
There are also other doctors that have not regular schedule like Obstetrician and Gynecologist and the Anesthetian.
You maybe think what's the reason I always talk about my life.
I just other people outside there know, never give up to the hardest thing you have in your life. Life is about struggling the game that God has created before. Each person is different to each other and that is why we have to contact to each other. If this is the soccer game, you have your own position in the field...
And this is where I have to stay. In this long week end I stay in a place called as the hospital. Spending my valuable breath for the duty day..

*My mother was just called me that she has arrived in Bukittinggi. So, I have to finish this and comeback to the hospital... See ya!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Massage and Alternative Medicine

I got this strange case.
When I was having an appendectomy, the time when I was opened the peritoneum, there was a bleeding from the inside of the abdomen..
I asked my assistants, did I cut something?
Both of my assistants said, No.
So I was explored the abdomen, not just for finding the appendix vermiformis but also to find the source of the bleeding.
I found both of them.
And the bleeding came from a little spread of the serosa part of the colon.
The appendix vermiformis was not perforated as I and my consultant were thought before (Since the leucocyte level was 18900/mm3 / very high..).
So after the operation I asked the patient, a-9 year-old boy.
Did you have a massage on your abdomen?
He answered Yes, ...... (*not proper to mention his name) did it. Because I felt pain on it.
So, I called her mother and asked again the same question.
His mother told me that the kid felt pain at the lower right part of the abdomen after playing soccer, so she thought It was a trauma then she brought her child to have a massage..(actually the pain was caused by the process of appendicitis)
Then I got another patient who had a blunt trauma after a motor-cycle accident. He felt pain at the upper left part of the abdomen. He was having a massage 3 times at the part he felt the pain. After three days his condition was getting worst and his brother took him to the hospital. I made a Von-Slanny test to him also checked his abdomen tenderness. I suspected there was a massive bleeding was caused by the rupture of intra abdominal organ. When we opened his abdomen, there was a rupture of the spleen and we did a spleenectomy on this patient.
Again, the common people treated pain on their abdomen by having massage.
This is the last example. When I was having my senior-clerckship in Obsteric and Gynecology Dept. there was a case of the death of fetus. The mother of this fetus was having a massage during her pregnancy. The residents said, it is common thing in Countries or Kampungs that people like to massage the abdomen during pregnancy...
This mother and other mothers from the kampungs were never realized or known that massage would give a trauma of vessels that could be the cause of fetal-death during pregnancy.
I was visited the Internal medicine's Ward because I was gotten a consultation from there. I was asked the nurses there to have a USG and thorax photo for this Mammae Carcinoma's patient to determine her Cancer stage. But then I got this news that the patient was dead last night. So I told the nurses, she was in the terminal stage. This patient was refused an operation 2 years ago and tried to have an alternative medicine..that never cured her..
There are many of cases of patients that refused to have a surgical treatment,then tried an alternative medicine. They came again to surgeon with terminal stage that made us can't cure their disease with our best efforts. Some were getting better by handicap (usually fracture's cases), some were died.
My Oncology consultant said, there are good news in the magazines of people that getting better by alternative medicine and other people that thought they have same disease, decided to try. It seemed that alternative medicine was succeded and modern medicine treatment did nothing. But there wasn't any record that people came to doctor after having a terminal stage after trying so many alternative medicines (That actually their number is bigger than the succesful ones..)
I don't refuse the alternative medicine, because there are so many misteries of the health itself.
I agree with China' s people who combine their ancestry knowledge with modern medicine.
But something that come to my brain is (from my surgery's background) :
Why people was really scared with the operation?
Why this can be happened?
If someone out there can answer this question..

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Patient Inviter

The nurses at the ward always said this words to me..
Dr. JINI 's patients is many in number..
(Hmm, they named two of my seniors who also have many patients)
Then the nurses in Emergency said, you always have patients! YOU ARE THE PATIENT INVITER..


In Padang I got that name also.

When I was having my duty day for every two days, I almost never slept for 32 hours and of course in a duty day you were very buussyy..Walking around the emergency. Only a few time you had your seat..(That the thing that made my leg muscles became hard rapidly).
Then When I was entered the team and had the duty day for every four days, having juniors And my position was changed from person who made the preparation of patients in Emergency to Second assistant in an Operation. So if I finished my operation, I went out and checked the situation in Triage.

Then there was this phenomenone.

There no patients. But then came patients..
It was always be happened.
And then the nurses started to say these words to me.

So everytime I showed up in triage then the nurses, my juniors would begin saying.."don't come here!" My senior also noticed this phenomenone, so every time I sat in Triage, he then asked me to go to outside the triage. He said, you have good luck of many patients! Never sit in triage!
The nurses in the operation theatre also said this word to me..
"C'mon Jini. Just sit here. If you sit in the triage, we will have many operations.."

I don't want to believe this phenomenone. And it was not always true..BUT MOST OF IT, was true!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I Love Monday

The first idea came to my brain on Monday morning was...I LOVE MONDAY!
I always love Monday in Bukittinggi. Because On Tuesday there is Duty Report, Parade of Patients, Wednesday and Thursday for Operation, Friday..again duty report and Parade.Hmm, Saturday, I don't know, I always hate Saturday. Maybe because I work hard for five days and feel tired at the sixth day. I always lose my creative ideas on Saturday. So I will take a nap on Sunday and Here it comes Monday...I have no big works to do! I love Monday!
But, at this monday..was really a big day.
I visited, made reports of my patients, made and answered consultations..and I was finished whole of them at 11.57 AM. So I asked the nurse, is there something left? No, You have finished whole of them. I was very happy. I wanted to go to Pasar Atas and Looked for some comics. But at the 12.30 PM, there was a call from Hospital..
I was busy on my weekend. I spent my holiday with working. And again..patients!
(Be patient Jini, your duty day is 7X24 hours in a week...)
So, I came back to the hospital. Checked the patients..and came again two patients ILEUS OBSTRUCTIVE and UMBILICAL HERNIA SUSPICIOUS INCARCERETE..(Totally four patients). I was finished making reports, consultations, preparing for operation at 6.00 PM.
I came back to my room and prepared myself for the operation. Ate my dinner and took a bath. Then I went to the operation theatre and came back from this place at 12.00 AM with report from Emergency room...DOC YOU HAVE THREE CONSULTATIONS...Oh GOD!
I Finished checked and made reports at 1.00 AM. I slept and wake up with feeling of worried.
I finished writing very quickly....
And when I was having my parade..AGAIN!
I checked them and made the report. Prepared them for operations..
Then When I was consulted them to my consultant..the answers was...HMM, I think they have to be observed first..
God! Finally I can go out from my this busy life.
I don't hate any situation if I have to be busy. I always feel happy if there is an operation.
But this time..I am just a human who needs a spare time. Please give me a chance to spend this little times just for myself...
(Finally, I visit the Internet cafe and type for my blog)

* I got a SMS from my friend Rizki in Bandung. He asked me to accompany his senior MJ, MD to walk around Bukittinggi. And I talked to MJ, MD, How about if we visit Batusangkar or Maninjau lake? Then he answered, Yes I'd like to. But in the end both of us, were having this feeling of worried..A phone call from Emergency! MJ, MD said..You know I just wonder, we were in our way then come this phone call..CONSULTATION FROM EMERGENCY..and we have to come back..Both of us were laughed. (Actually we don't have any spare times..Duty, duty, breath is the duty day..)

The First Time (2nd part)

Last Sunday,When I wanted to spent my whole day with typing for my blog and walking around Bukittinggi, I got a call from my colleague from Obstetric and Gynecology Department. It was a consultation on operation table to my department. I was going back to the hospital and seeing what happened to the patient. At the end we decided to send this patient to Padang since there are Digestive Surgeons there.
Again, I got this cliche question.
It was the consultant of Obstetric Department gave me the question.
And my answer was..I am the Resident of Surgery Department.
And He said..Hey this is the first time. I thought it was forbidden for woman to be the resident of Surgery. Like it used to be happened in our department.
My consultant answered this question ..Yes, Jini is the first one in Andalas University. But actually in Indonesia there are several of woman surgeons.
And the Consultant of Obstetric Dept. said..It was forbidden in 70s and 80s for woman taking 4 majors of Medical, Surgery, Obstetric and Gynecology, Pediatrics and Internal Medicine..
When he talked about this one, I just remembered to the story of Dr. Chaula Sukasah, Sp.BP. She is a Plastic Surgeon and the first woman in Indonesia who took Surgery. The pioneer.
Her father was the chairman of IKABI (Association of Indonesian Surgeon). Firstly when she said she wanted to be a surgeon, his father was not permitted her. There was this regulation, Surgery was prohibited for women. But then, his father colleagues persuaded his father and then Dr. Chaula became he first woman resident of Surgery.
And when I was came back, again this question was given to me.
They again asked how many people of woman resident in Padang. I said two. Me and my junior, TL, MD.
And they said why there are less of woman take Surgery?
And my answer was, because Surgery is the hardest one. Even man will think twice before taking it.
Don't you feel scared when you want to start an operation?
I answered with this sentences, I disagree if it is said woman is weak. We, women get menstruation every month. We see blood every month. Why we should be scared of seeing blood? If there are women who feel scared seeing blood, I think there are something wrong to her education. She was taught to be a coward. Why we have to be taught to be a coward? And why men have to be the brave ones?
And the women who offered me those questions were agreed with my statement.
You know, in my opinion, if you talk about power, of course man will be the winner. But if you talk about others than power, woman is the same with man. Both are human. God's creation.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Weekend in Bukittinggi (2nd Part)

I slept for about 2 hours after surfing and typing for my blog in the internet cafe. I was wake up at the maghrib time (An adzan wake me up. My hospital, especially my room, is very close to a mosque). Then someone was knocked on my door..."Doc, there's a patient waiting for you in the emergency room". So I went to the first floor and saw the patient. It was a 8-year-old girl with soft tissue loss. Fortunately she had fasted about 6 hours, so it was easier for us to operate her (for the sake of anesthetion). The problem of this operation was the loss of her skin on the tibial bone. The bone must be covered by skin or other soft tissue so we can keep them from necrosis. Also for the tendon, while in the other hand some part of her muscles must be cut down since it was necrosis. A the end we (I and MJ,MD) were succesful in covering her tendon and bone with the muscles. MJ,MD who is the resident of orthopaedics told me this girl will have a second look operation or more than that. Other thing must be done is the skin graft to cover her muscles. But of course we weren't do the skin graft last night. Only for debridement.
I came back to my room at 00.30 AM and read my animonster. I was bought them two weeks ago, some had been reading already, some were not yet. One of this magazine was discussed about "Haikara san ga tooru" or in Indonesian the tittle of this manga is "Miss Modern."Miss Modern was my first manga to be collected. I got volume 1-4 from my friends as my 14th birthday present. From that time I was started collecting mangas. Until this time, after almost 14 years, I am still collecting comics. Right now I am collecting Black Jack a comics about japanese doctor, DETECTIVE School Q-Class, Ruler of the Land,Vagabond(A Mushashi story in Comics' version)...There is an opinion that adult is not proper anymore to collect comics, watch cartoon movie..Like I am doing right now. One of my favorite TV show is Spongebob Squarepants. In Padang I watch this film almost everyday at 6.00 o'clock in the morning.
It is not false, but in Japan is a common thing adults collect comics too. Even there are porn's comics which is called as hentai manga (People in Bandung was started producing hentai in Indonesian version, by local comic writer). But there are also some comics that are not "hentai" but the story is about adult's life. In Indonesia "Level Comics" was the company which start publicating this kind of comics (for adult). One of them is Vagabond. It is an interesting story, especially if you have read Musashi.
I think I have to inform this since maybe some of you don't understand about comics..
How about you?
Are mangas interesting for you?
If, yes, you are also an OTAKU like me.
Ganbatte ne!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Week end in Bukittinggi (So Sleepy)

I was spent my first week in Bukittinggi by getting sleep. I was very tired because had less sleep during a week and had an opertion at he saturday from morning to afternoon. Then I had to control my patient in the ICU. At the Sunday, The triage doctor was called me at 3.30 AM, because there was an emergency patient. The second week, again I was busy and at the weekend I came back to Padang. Again my sleeping quality was not good enough, because in Padang I slept at 1.30 AM. When I came back to Bukittinggi, I had to drink a cup of coffee because I felt a little bit sleepy. And at the third week I always sleep at 1.00 AM or 2.00 AM everyday. last Night I was slept at 3.30 AM. Very Tired!
That's why when my father called me if I came back to Padang or not, I was telling him that I would spent my week end in Bukittinggi that gave my mother an idea to visit me at the Sunday.
Next week I will not going back to Padang again, because my consultant was asking me to stay since he has to go to PekanBaru at the weekend.
One thing that I miss is..GRAMEDIA!!
(I have to buy some mangas..hehe)
Talking about sleepy feeling, I remember to my first month in Surgery department. In the first month my duty day is everyday for 24 hours. I slept only 3-4 hours in a day. Sometimes 2 hours or not at all. The longest sleep I had at the time was 6 hours. It was on Sunday morning and I hadn't any patients. Of course I was very busy, because I was the most junior. The time I started to get sleep not because I felt sleepy (I felt it all of the time) but because I couldn't hear or focus my eyes to an object. In my spare times (if there weren't any patients and no duty from my seniors), I used it to get sleeping. Usually I slept on the table with my head on the book. Because I was very tired and sleepy, this kind of sleeping is a joy thing for me at that time. And at the second month until the sixth month, my duty day is every two days. I felt my life was a little bit normal...hehe..But still we felt sleepy because at the duty day you work all the day and the chance of sleeping before you had your duty day again is only in a day.
In Padang the duty day now is every three days for the second semester above (the member of a team). The most junior's duty day is every 2 days (And they aren't counted as a team member). And a team means you have to do the patients until they are placed in the ward. So the duty day will be prolonged sometimes until 2 days. You can imagine how luxurious is sleeping for us.. That's why, if we feel sleepy, sometimes we sleep about 10-15 minutes and since we are very tired, this less sleep gives us a very good feeling of freshness. I felt the same too. If I was very tired and waiting my patient for his coming back for taking the medicines or before starting an operation, I used it for a little bit sleeping. And usually it was worked! I felt some freshness after taking a nap..

* I'd like to apologize my Colleagues for being the models. These photos have no any bad tendencies. Only to show the public how luxurious is sleeping for the residents of surgery. I myself also the person who does the same thing too.. If there's any objection, I'll delete this publication.

hOw aN oPEraTiOn gOEs oN..

This time I want to tell you about an operation. This example is the simple one of an operation. Because, today there are so many sophisticated operation devices that make some changes of the configuration of the operation's team. Or it depends on the kind of operation, like Heart Surgery needs so many persons around the operation table.
The main actor of an operation is "the operator". He/She is the decision maker of an operation. What's the kind of incision, the technique that used, the tissue/organ that should be resected..Let's say, he/she is the captain of this team. An operator usually has assistants (commonly 2 persons,but can be more than 2 persons, according to type of the operation), that usually stand in the opposite side of him/her. So around the operation table, there are three person that standing. Next to the operation table, stand or sits an instrument. His/her duty is giving the operator the instrumentations he/she needs. So if the operator says.."Kocher clamp", the instrument gives it. But, if an operation is commonly done in the operation room and the instrument is usually getting involved, sometimes the instrument will give the operator instrument he/she needs before the operator says that. Like appendectomy or open prostatectomy . From each step to another step is very clear. So the use of the instrumentation is clear also. It is also happened to the assistants. If they were commonly getting involved into one kind of an operation, they know what the next step should do after this step (before the operator says that)..or if the assistants are having many experience, they will easily read what the problem on the operation table and try to make the operator easier to work.
All of the people I mentioned above are wearing sterile gowns.
There is another important person of an operation. This person is called as "the runner". He/she will give the instrument all of things that need by the operator. He/she will work very quickly, sometimes has to run! I think this is the cause why this position is given name as the runner.
The operator is a surgeon. The assistant can be a surgeon also or from the nurse. The instrument and the runner are the nurses.
Another important part of an operation is the role of the anesthesiology department. You can not start an operation before your patient is being anesthetic.
And other departments that also can be involved like..internal medicine, pediatric, Heart disease, Neurology. Sometimes there is a joint operation between two or more than two departments. Like Surgery joint Ophtalmology, if the patient has a trauma on eye.
So, to start an operation is not as simple as you think.
We are not slayers, though we work with sharp things too.
In other words, we work as a team and before we want to operate a patient, we have to prepare many things, that involving many persons from other departments. It is definetely a team work.

* The photo above is an example of an operation, with one operator, three assistants, one instrument and one runner.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

My biggest Weaknesses (Right Now)

After staying in Bukittinggi for almost three weeks, I have realized that so many lacks in my capability to diagnose patients. Especially about appendicitis.The patient I have mentioned you before was not having any operation. It was an infiltrat appendicitis. Thank God I have my consultant besides me. This happened because Maybe I am still young in surgery and less experience. And God seems training me to improve my capability. I have two patients of Infiltrat Appendicitis now and during this three days I got five consultations of Suspicious Acute Appendicitis..Thanks God!
Today is Surgery Department's day to have an operation in RSAM operation theater. Our days are wednesday and thursday. My consultant gave me a chance to do an open prostatectomy! I was really shock and suddenly I felt very nervous that I couldn't control my scalpel and scissors. He took his position again to be an operator and finished the operation..
Tonight there will be an open prostatectomy again. This will be the 5th operation I've ever involved. I believe, next time he will leave me and let me do alone..
He said, open prostatectomy is a simple operation if we compare to an appendectomy..So he believes I can do that.
But still it's hard for me to control the bleeding. In appendectomy the bleeding is not as much as in Prostatectomy.
Yesterday, during an operation of bowel resection, he asked me if I have done a bowel anastomose. I answered, I haven't done yet. And he did the anastomose. But I have a strong confidence one day he will let me doing that thing...WOW!
The thing I did this morning was an excision of FAM, a benign tumour of a breast.
And I am happy I am doing this.
Before the operation, my consultant said that I have to train myself to work faster. Because the style of working today will be your style of working in the future. I keep his words in my heart.
During the operation, the nurse said something about my senior, YZ, MD.
Firstly she said, Doctor Jini, remember your consultant words..The I answered, Yes, I keep those in my heart.
Again she asked me, Do you know "BRS?"
"BRS who?"
"Barasiah (Minang word for clean) man.."
"Pardon, who?"
"Oh, Da yev.."
"He always said.."BARASIAH"..but actually what he did is always barasiah..You have to imitate his style and fast in working too.."
"hmm..yes. Of course"

Of course I always try to imitate the good things from my seniors. Always.
One day, one of my seniors, MI, MD, who is a surgeon now and take a special training of digestive surgery, called me. My friend made a mistake and we got his call.
He talked so many things.
But something in his words that I always remember until this now.
"You know, I always force myself to study an hour everyday. Even when I felt very tired. If I feel fresh, I'll study more than an hour".

Something that easily to speak, but hardly to practice.
I have stayed here for almost three weeks, but maybe I just read my books for15-30 minutes in a day. Sometimes nothing, because I was very tired.
This, again is my weaknesses.
My path to be a surgeon is still far away..
I hope I can get better and better everyday.

I got one sms from Oma, my friend yesterday. She had arrived in Aceh. I never reply hers, since I was having an operation.
I also have visited Yos' new blog.
Omedetou for your blog.
And Lucky not being arrested by Syariah's Police..

Hey, there's a call again!
(The hospital...)
Sorry guys, next time will be continue.

Monday, May 01, 2006

My way to Padang

I came back to Padang in the week end. The first place I went to is ....Gramedia. I was hunger for some mangas (japanese comics). I went from bukittinggi at 4.30 PM and arrived in Padang at 6.00 PM.and at 7 PM, when I was still in my car, driving, my mother called me and very worried... where are you? I am on my way back home. I was going to Gramedia..
(An otaku home is the bookshop..hehe...)
I visited the emergency building and met my colleagues..SO MANY CHANGES!
First, our band equipments was moved away to the new building (That I've never seen before, since I left Padang for Bukittinggi). THe duty day now is every 3 days..(wow, how tired)..I also visited my senior's home for borrowing books, YZ, MD...hmm,YZ,MD the surgeon. He gave me an advice, that I have to study better and better. I have to keep my health well, because my duty day in Bukittinggi is every day for 24 hours. Have a good nice. Anyway, Thank you for the support and advice. Also For Aji, his wife that also my good friend since I was in Senior High School.(Aji and I were always in the same class from the first grade of senior high school until Medical school)
In Bukittinggi I met..again! one of the people who passed the test for government employee. I was downloaded System Of A Down's song from his mobile phone (And this song is my ringtone now). I wanted to download Helloween's Power too, but the memory stick is full enough.
So, during my staying in Bukittinggi, I have met 4 from 9 person who passed the test. the new news is We will get our registration number in this May 15th.
I was also buying new cassettes that became my companions in my way back to Bukittinggi, Superman Is Dead's Black Market Love and Alanis Morrisette's Collection. The Black Market Love is a cool song..
Also, there's a new Orthopaedics's resident from Padjadjaran University, MJ, MD.
We have went around at the night, showed him Bukittinggi scene and we have lunch in Uni Lis' Nasi Kapau which is very famous that SBY and The Prime Minister of Malaysia have had eaten there too.
What a busy day!
Hmm, I think I have to come back to hospital. May the Obstetric and Gynegology's resident have answered my consultation. (C'mon guys, don't let me do the operation at the night. I have to have good sleep..hehe..)
Jaa, mata aeru!

* I have gotten a call from the nurse that my consultation was answered. The conclusion is..Let's do an appendectomy tonight baby!
* This Sunset photo was taken at Padang Beach. The best time is about 6.30-7.00 PM.